Monday, April 15, 2013

Breakfast Burritos

Life seems to always get busy [again...or maybe still?] after spring break -

...I think we need more sandwich & wrap recipes around here - so continuing on last week's Italian Sandwiches (can't wait to try those next week on the menu!), here's another one we really all like around here - we have breakfast for dinner around here about once a week.

A recipe is hardly needed; it's more the idea for a meal - but I do have tips.

My breakfast burritos. (literally, these were mine) :) and they were so good.

They basically have 3 types of ingredients (now) - eggs, cheese, and meat - rolled up in a tortilla and browned on a skillet - first seam side down, then flip it over. (Skillet - the kind you cook pancakes on - about medium or medium high or around 350 or 375)

How I do them:
My ratios of ingredients:
  • 14-18 eggs (2/person and then some)
  • 8 oz ham (sliced, packaged or diced, packaged - or leftover 'real' ham)
  • 8 oz cheddar, shredded
  • 1/4 - 1/2 pound of sausage (I cook the entire pound and then use what I want and save the rest...or use it leftover from something else I needed a partial pound for - like pizza, breakfast casserole, omelets, pasta, etc)
  • 12-16 oz bacon (1 slice/burrito)
  • 14 tortillas (2/person) - for burrito sized, 2/adult, 1/child (even for me, that was a little too much)
  • (if you like potatoes - 1/2 bag of cubed hash browns)

Version 1 - simplicity 
(mix it all together and wrap it up!)
Cook the potatoes in a little oil (read the package for instructions).
Put cooked potatoes in large bowl.

Cook sausage (if you pan fry your bacon, you can do it before/after sausage). If you microwave your bacon (that would be me), start that now too.
Put meat crumbled in same large bowl with potatoes.

Scramble eggs 
Put these in bowl too and pour in cheese - as much/little as you like and stir everything together.

tip: I've tried cooking some of these together and the eggs always take FOREVER to cook with other things, so I just do everything one after the other.

Fill each tortilla about this much:

Roll up (ends in, short side covering filling, then roll) and place seam side down on skillet (spray with oil if you want). After a few minutes - or after you've filled the entire skillet with burritos, start with the first, flipping as it's browned. Pull off once 2nd side is browned....into a pile:

Version 2 - short order cook
(layer it)
Still cook everything one at a time (my preference) - eggs last because they get cold so fast.

But keep each item separate - I used ham right out of the package and sausage that was leftover in the fridge, and bacon cooked in microwave (& no potatoes), so there were no extra dishes keeping everything separate. 

Layer each item in tortilla (per request) and roll in same manner - tucking in ends, folding over near side and rolling towards far side. Then, grill each side (seam side first) on skillet until browned.

tip: If you're cooking everything and want to do it one after the other in the same pan and save on dishes, just put the cooked ingredients on dinner plates and as they clear off in compiling the burritos, reuse those plates for dinner.

I like this version because I am a short order mom-cook of a picky little kind-of-big family :)
 ham, sausage, bacon, eggs, cheese

ham, bacon, eggs, cheese

ham, eggs, cheese

Variation: Add some hot sauce (Valentina in our house)
or anything else you might eat with eggs or breakfast - ketchup, sawmill gravy, etc

Another variation - Breakfast Calzones - 
These are a treat b/c in addition to the dough (I just use my favorite white bread dough at the time), you also have to cook all the parts and get it to stay while you fold and seal the edges...not a quick meal to make- but it is a good take it with you meal. :)

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